QControl is a mobile web application that is going to make it easier for the controllers of STIB/MIVB to collect data about transportation stops in Brussels.
During Open Summer of Code 2018, a team of four students focused on ways to gather general information about transportation stops around Brussels and data concerning the accessibility of those transportation stops for people with disabilities. This way, the STIB/MIVB employees will be able to efficiently check every stop in Brussels with the application. In the future, other data will be looked at such as route accessibility and many more.
When you open the application it tracks the position of the user and shows it on the map. Automatically the stops that are nearby are shown with a pin and are clickable. To find a particular stop in a fast and easy way, we made a search field where the user can fill in the name or the id of a stop.
When a particular stop is selected, the user gets some basic information about the stop. For example, the deserved lines, the address, the address on the map and some pictures. From this field, the user can navigate to the history page and the update page.
On the history page, the user gets an overview of all previous controls and the answers that’ve been put in.
On the question page, the user gets a clear overview of all the questions with a button linked to every question with some more information about that specific question. In that way, we want to encourage that all the questions are filled in correctly. On top of that, we’ve implemented predetermined answers to make the fill in process easier and faster.
Back-end Developer
Back-end & Front-end Developer
Designer & Front-end Developer
Designer & Front-end Developer